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  1. I couldn’t agree more Stewart – Voyager do fantastic Chardonnays. It’s been too long since my last one, so I must hunt a bottle out. I haven’t tried the Amato one, so I’ll have to add that to my wish list. Thank you for the heads up there 🙂 Mmm yes pork and Chardonnay!! Thanks for stopping by for a read Stewart, enjoy Chardonnay Day on Thursday 🙂

  2. Hi Casey,

    Great selection. I would also recommend any Chardonnay from Voyager Estate, or if you are looking for something a wee bit more “natural” then Amato Wines would be my recommendation. In terms of wine and food pairing then Chardonnay goes perfectly with pork IMO! And please fell free to edit my post if you are not comfortable with my naming the individual wine producers…as you know I hope I’m a wine lover with no commercial angle!