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  1. Well Hi there, I recently have acquired a taste for red wine, i’m 69 and have always hated it! Why i started looking online for information is a) i found i was drinking it slower than white wine, b) definitely less buzzed, i know, drinking it slower, but still, a rather sedated high than a “drunk” feeling and c) better in the morning although I only consume maybe 8 ozs, is that a lot????
    I find your site so informative and will continue to follow.
    Thanks for what you do!

  2. Thanks for the lovely feedback Quentin – I’m glad I’ve helped shine a light on your Chardy hangovers!

  3. I love your blog. And this gave me great insight. I had always wondered why I could finish a bottle of Merlot or Cabernet and feel fine in the morning, but after the same amount of Chardonnay, I’d feel like someone just bent me over and beat the living daylight out of me. This was really informative.

  4. Very true, there’s always some article coming out with a different theory on why wine is good or bad for us, but ultimately the way a wine is made can change so much depending on winemaker, place, grape, etc etc it’s hard to generalise even one region! This enormous gray area, and constant variability in wine is what makes it so fascinating and so frustrating at the same time!

    Will be sure to keep you in the loop for upcoming classes. Cheers Casey


  5. Hi Christina, thank you so much for your insights. It is such an interesting topic! There are so many theories and thoughts on this topic out there, the research seems to be never ending! I agree with you that it is probably more to do with how we are drinking, rather than what’s in the wine. Hopefully some of the above tips can help battle the dreaded wine lurgy!

    I would definitely love to sponge on your wine knowledge so please do keep me in the loop 🙂


  6. Hi Travelling Corkscrew, just thought I’d chip in my two cents! Having working full time in the wine industry as a presenter/writer (in Britain and now here in Perth) for many years, I’ve heard everything, and equally. People ask me why white wines affect them more. Others say it’s reds. Others swear bubbly is a killer for hangovers. Theories about histamines in reds (from the skins of the grapes), higher sulphur in whites and in particular bubblies and sweet wines (and added mainly before bottling, and sometimes at the beginning of fermentation), etc have been bandied about, but I think most if it is to do with speed of drinking and level of alcohol. Reds tend to be higher in abv than whites, but whites more refreshing and easier to drink fast. A wine with an alcohol of, say, 14.5% will make you drunk (and therefore hungover) much faster than one with 12%.

    Also, an Organic wine is mainly referring to the way the grapes were grown (ie without chemicals, like with food), but once in the winery can still have a quite frightening amount of additives (both natural and synthetic). Preservative free is good, but if you’re looking for truly unadulterated wine (often referred to as ‘natural’)-as close to fermented grape juice as possible without all the additives and manipulations in the winery-there are a few producers in WA working like this: you rightly mention Blind Corner, Si Vintners, Bella Ridge, Marq (Mark Warren, Happs winemakers’ aren’t natural but are relatively hands off), Counterfeit (Lenton Brae winemaker Ed Tomlinson’s side project), and a few others experimenting. It’s a much bigger ‘movement’ elsewhere in Oz and is v big in France and Italy and a bit in the states. From elsewhere in Oz look out for wines from Shobbrook, Domain Lucci/Lucy Margaux, Jauma, to name just a few.

    As a bit of a shameless plug, I’m actually hosting a tasting for the WA Wine Education Centre in the end of October featuring many of these winemakers and talking about the differences between organic/biodynamic/natural. I’m also launching my own wine school where I’ll feature many natural winemakers from around the world! The website’s not officially launched yet but here it is so far without the calendar of classes added: I’ll keep you posted if interested!

    Thanks and keep up the good blogging!


  7. Thank you 🙂 I have seen those wine drops in the store – that’s great to hear that they work! Organic wine is definitely something to try, I’ll have to hunt out some from Happs. Blind Corner is another one from Margaret River, available at Apple Daily/Print Hall!

  8. Great post!! I love my wine but avoided it as I’d have a headache after only drinking half a glass. till This year I discovered “wine drops”, so now I don’t have to feel scared to have a glass or two!! I will have to look into the organic wine. I heard Happs does some preservative free wine as well 🙂

  9. Sorry to have to burst your bubble,but,rubbish.There is much more SO 2 in dried apricots but you do not get a headache,etc from eating them.The reason is,and you need to watch friends next time,is speed.People drink whites too quickly and in larger amounts than reds.