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  1. Haha I’m glad to help with understanding the Aussie wine lingo Robin! Yes you’re correct, Gippsland is in Victoria – the region is south-east of Melbourne. And ‘hearty winter tucker’ means warm, delicious winter food 🙂 Thanks for popping by the blog Robin!

  2. As I prepare to travel to Australia next year, I need to get with the lingo! I was pleased that thanks to a little education through Travelling Corkscrew when our MC spoke with a guest during the show last night they found they were from Australia and when asked where, responded WA. I think I was the only person in the room who knew what they meant! So now I just need to get out a map and find Gippsland…it’s in Victoria right? And just for safe measure can you translate “hearty winter tucker”?
    This place is adorable and I love all the art!

  3. Alright Casey, in preparation for a trip to Australia I am going to have to start learning the lingo! We had a guest at the show the other night that told our MC that she was from Australia and when asked where said WA! I was proud that I knew what this meant (no one else did) so thanks. Now I need a little primer on Gippsland which I take it is in Victoria? Got to get out my map!
    And this place looks adorable! I love the sign! Just to be sure can you translate “Hearty Winter Tucker”?

  4. You’ll definitely have to come and explore Gippsland at some point! Actually, there are many great wine regions in Victoria and Australia, so perhaps an extended AdVINEture is needed 🙂

  5. This looks like such a fun spot! I’m going to be in Yarra for 24hrs leading a group of 22 agents (for my travel job). so a quickie but we’ll be back for a proper AdVINEture soon!