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  1. We are definitely hoping to visit Heathcote sometime soon to explore the region further! Thanks for the tips Dawn 🙂

  2. Some great wines on here but it’s a shame you did’t get some of the top drops of the region. Next time try Heathcote II, Tellurian, Flynns and Sanguine. They also have an awesome festival first week of Oct, we are going on the Sunday (less crowded). It’s huge!

  3. Haha yes 12 in 1 night would be pretty impressive and leave you with a fairly big headache I would say April! Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂

  4. At least it wasn’t 12 bottles in 1 night! What a lovely present! I must say i’m getting into wine following your amazing blog! Keep it up 🙂

  5. Aren’t they!! I’m very lucky and now have a HUGE desire to visit Heathcote 🙂 Thanks for stopping by Lara, you’re awesome!