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  1. Haha yes I agree, there seems to be too many ‘non-drinking’ wine days on that calendar! Thanks for leaving a comment David 🙂

  2. Thanks for the feedback Robin and for the inspiration. It’s been great spending the time to really get to know the biodynamic wine side of things and I agree, you do have to get to know the smaller producers who practice biodynamic farming but may not be certified. Let me know what you think of the app!

  3. What a great piece! I have been lucky to have really great experience with Biodynamic wines, but I typically only find these at the winery. I do have issues with the certification, as I know so many small wineries that grow in this thoughtful way but don’t have the time or budget to jump through all the hoops. I suppose it’s all about knowing the grape grower and the wine maker and feeling comfortable with how they do things. I am curious about the calendar for tasting and need to put that to the test!

  4. Thanks for stopping by the blog Allison and for the inspiration too. It was really great to spend some time really thinking about and connecting with this wine subject 🙂

  5. Fantastic article Casey and thanks for including a link to ours! We are 100% on the same page as you and don’t necessarily choose biodynamic over non-biodynamic because we think it will taste better. Our experience (like yours) has been that the wines we’ve enjoyed that happen to be biodynamic all have a common denominator of a deep respect for Mother Nature and the land.