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  1. And the funny bit Louise is that our point of sale couldn’t put through such a large transaction in one go, so I had to put it through in like 6 different transactions!! Definitely stop by the store when you’re in transit. I think many people I worked with at the time have since left, but just seeing all those mighty wines will have you in awe x

  2. That is some serious sales! I’ll be transiting in Dubai in September, will keep an eye out for your old workplace. 😉

    Congrats on such a significant milestone! Love reading your reviews and news.

    Thank you for linking up on the #WINENOT Wine Lovers Linky Party!

    Cheers, Louise @

  3. Congrats on the 3 years, that’s awesome! Completely agree with you on the pressure to monetise and like you I’m very doubtful I would start again if I lost everything. I have just started to fully backup my site, so that puts my mind at ease a bit now. Thanks for popping by 🙂

  4. What an achievement. I’m coming up to three years myself and it’s only when people start pressuring me to monetise the blog further that the thrill of blogging is zapped from me. Although a recent hack attack where the blog was down for the count for 3 entire days, was pretty draining and stressful as well. Not sure, I would have started again from scratch if all was lost.