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  1. Thanks for stopping by Laura and what a lovely way to spend a Hen’s Day and 30th – I couldn’t think of a better spot in Perth. There are lots of exciting things happening in the Valley this year so stay tuned. The celebrations for the end of the 2014 vintage look great – ! And The Swan Valley tourist centre are planning on giving away 180 bottles of SV wine on their FB page too 🙂

  2. Wow, I had no idea that this year was such a significant one for the Swan Valley…. definitely makes me want to set aside another weekend for a visit! The Swan Valley is definitely close to my heart also. I had my hen’s day there (wineries, chocolate, what more could you want?!) and recently celebrated my 30th birthday at Taylor’s and the Cheese Barrel. We’re definitely privileged to live so close by in the CBD. Thanks for this post and the reminder of the great region on our doorstep!