Search Results for: cava

Wine Glasses vs. Champagne Flutes – What’s better?

I find the ‘should I drink sparkling wine out of a flute glass or wine glass’ discussion very interesting. For many years the professionals have been saying that it’s best to drink bubbles from a normal wine glass, yet their words have definitely not spread, as flutes are still definitely king. Perhaps everyone is nostalgic over…


Stewarts at Brookleigh Reveal Stunning New Winter Menu

There’s always a slight worry when returning to a restaurant which you loved so much the first time that it may not be so good the second time. Mr. Spittoon and I had dinner at Stewarts at Brookleigh in the Upper Swan back in 2013 and loved it! Last week our soon to be new neighbours suggested we…

My Guest Appearances

I am totally honoured to have dealt with some fantastic publications during my blogging career. I love to spread the word on all things wine, and write about it until I’ve at least got to the end of the bottle! Below you’ll find some links to some of my guest appearances, please check them out…