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  1. Great straight-forward guide to Prosecco! Usually a preference over other sparkling wines as their real expression shines through a bit more than some of their oaky counterparts. It’s a great and flexible style that is truly a great food pairer or on its own!

  2. Bubbles are always a great plan. Prosecco seems to make them more reachable. These wine are affordable and fun and don’t take themselves too seriously. You can enjoy them mixed with other things, providing their sparkling joyfullness to other beverages. Share the bubbles, share the joy!

  3. Apéro! Love the spritz! So many chic ladies sipping it all around France – even in Burgundy. 🙂

    I often find that if I’m drinking wine as a cocktail, without food with friends on a night out, Prosecco is a fun choice. Lots of brightness and it doesn’t overdo it on alcohol, plus — it’s delicious!

    Thanks for this guide. Bookmarked ?!

  4. Great article…we’re amazed at the spectrum when it comes to Prosecco. Early we often dismissed it because most of the ones we tried were a bit to sweet for our taste and chose instead Cava. But, when we visited Italy, we seemed to find many more dry options and were really impressed. Can never really go wrong with bubbles right?