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  1. Yes I think most of Asia is in the same boat David. Which is a bit of a shame as I’d love to see a more diverse range of wines available at affordable prices as Asian food is so good for wine matching.

  2. looks like a fun trip! I can see where the pricing would make it less than optimal from a wine perspective though. I recall it was similar in Singapore, I went for beer there more than I typically would.

  3. What a fabulous vacation! I must admit, I waxed nostalgic…I saw “Chess” when visiting London in College and the song took me back (Great show!) I love that you found great wine and left your mark on Bangkok!

  4. Yay let me know if you do stop in BKK at any point, I have plenty of wine and travel tips for this awesome city!

  5. Fantastic recommendations! We may be back in September so definitely bookmarking this…and now i have that song in my head lol…