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  1. Hi DZ, yes I apologise about that! At the time when I recorded the videos I actually didn’t realise they only go for 3 months. I am still working on adding a little caption to the video as my intention is definitely not to mislead. Apologies for this and yes I agree, if they could go longer, then it would be great as so many of my cellared wines are under screw-cap. Thanks for popping by the blog and checking this post out. Cheers, Casey

  2. In the vids you mention recellaring the Moss Wood, but the screwcaps are only good for up to three months, so that’s a bit misleading. It’s a bit of a problem in the Australian market with so many screwcap wines. If not for that, I think this really is a game changer! And it’s still good for eking out a screwcap wine over a few months, just not for true recellaring.

  3. Thanks for popping by the blog Robin to have a read and watch! And for the great feedback 🙂 The cats do love to make an appearance whenever I do a video recording however they were quite well behaved this time surprisingly. Stay tuned for more of my Coravin adventures. I am a bit addicted to the device now, I want to sample everything 🙂

  4. I completely agree, such a good tool for wineries – especially so they can check on how their wines are ageing over time. Thanks for popping by the blog to take a read 🙂

  5. Great videos! I was so nervous right along with you! I had no idea that they also had the separate caps for screw caps. That is amazing. You definitely will need to stock up on those.

    You feline supervisors seemed relatively unimpressed, but I was!

    You are adorable and so relatable as always. Thanks so much for the step by step instruction. I was scared by the price of the Coravin, but this may have me rethinking that. I can see how amazing it will be for your blog, being able to taste a wine at several points as it ages.

    I hope you had an amazing lunch with those wines!

  6. Lucky you! We see these being used more and more — such a great system particularly for wineries who can provide tastings of their back vintages much more easily.