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  1. My tips would be:

    First, to taste regularly, and frequently.

    Secondly, to open more than one bottle at once, so that you can smell and taste the differences and learn what styles you prefer.

    Thanks for linking up through the #WINENOT Linky Party Casey!

  2. Well shared! Your post gives some useful information on wine tasting and highlights some important factor one must consider in selecting the best wine. Thanks for sharing useful tips.

  3. Fantastic to hear Di and well done on becoming a sommelier! It’s such a good way to train the senses as anyone can do it so easily 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  4. That makes my day Pearl! I love to hear about people wanting to give new wines a go, there are so many fab wines out there and if you give each and every wine a clean slate then you might find your taste buds will surprise you 🙂

  5. Great ideas, thanks for sharing. When I was training to become a Sommelier my fridge was filled with containers all filled with different fruits and vegetables so that I could train my senses. For me it worked and i’d recommend it to anyone.

  6. These are all great tips – I especially love the idea of ‘training’ your nose by smelling fresh fruits and veggies everyday. I have to admit I’m guilty of buying my favorite wines over and over again but this article definitely made me want to try some new ones!

  7. Thanks for popping by Kelly! Isn’t it amazing how a slight temperature change of a wine can make all the difference! I love how exciting the world of wine is 🙂

  8. Really good info. I love to see the difference in taste in a white pulled right out of the fridge compared to 15 minutes later – it’s a new wine. I like my reds slightly chilled as well. I feel like it takes the edge off. Thanks for the reminder to stop and smell all the wonderful scents out there!

  9. Absolutely Nicole, it’s the best way to train the senses 🙂 Thanks for popping by!

  10. Bling tastings are fantastic Elisha, sometimes it’s really surprising what you come up with just based on your senses and no preconceived notions! Haha I also do the same with the back label!

  11. There is so much to learn…I like doing blind tastings of a few different reds or whites and compare and talk about differences. (Sharing is caring!) I also like to drink first and make my own judgements and then compare to what was on the label…Not that it matters but sometimes to pick out something that is meant to be in there in awesome.

  12. I tend to drink mainly cheap reds, Shiraz, dry reds, etc. I have found the darker the colour the better the taste. Not very high tech but it appears to be a good guide.