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  1. Couldn’t agree more Jasmine, all of it will be worth it in the end! looking forward to hearing how your build goes, I have heard from friends that the time flies by 🙂

  2. We can so relate to this Casey! We did it the other way round – bought land off the plan then sorted the construction later. We have just done prestart – I’m so worried about whether we chose the right colours! The toasts after every little milestone are so important, can’t wait to christen the slab as well! What a long process it all is but it will be well worth it!

  3. Thanks April! I shouldn’t complain too much about our covenants as we had so many choices. We are even having a bright red front door!!

  4. Oh wow that’s so exciting Haley!!! I am sure when we get to the end all the bad stuff that happened along the way will seem so insignificant once we are in our own home and have an awesome wine cellar of course 🙂

    I hope the next 3 months go quickly for you guys!! x

  5. Congratulations! I worked in a building company for 4 years and know all about the Restrictive covenants these new estates imply. in a particular estate in ellenbrook years ago, home builders/owners could only choose from 3 types of roof tile colours! Look forward to seeing this process before we head down that path soon too! 🙂

  6. Its all so true in this post, all the highs and lows! You do have to be so on to it as well, we’ve had a couple of situations in our build where they’ve tried to pull the wool over our eyes and we’ve had to fight back, the most recent one giving us $900 credit. Its a shame that your broker wasn’t good either, I don’t know what we would have done without ours and I would highly recommend him.

    But all in all its so exciting, I can’t wait for the day that we are all moved in, the walls are all painted and its all in our very own home… 3 months to go!