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  1. Have been trying to get hold of some of their Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon for some time. Now I understand why I can’t get any. A truly great wine.

  2. Visited the olive grove winery today as I thought they might keep the old underground cellar not to be and like dawn Gifford am a direct relative of Thomas Watters my granddaughters are eithth generation descendants of Thomas

  3. My daughter had her wedding there, such an amazing venue and lovely wines. What an absolute shame.

  4. So sad I visited this winery 12yrs ago as I am a direct descendent of Thomas WAters my sister and I came over from ENgland to oz to meet our mothers relatives the brought us to the winery just after we arrived it was very emotional for us .pleased I found your blog I know it’s not a wine review but I felt I had to write thankyou