
The Fantastic Ferguson Valley Wineries – a must visit!

Today on the blog we have the wonderful wino Nicola Heyes joining us. She recently ventured down to WA’s Ferguson Valley on a ‘wine weekend’ and boy did she uncover some hidden gems! A big thanks to Nicola for sharing your Ferguson Valley wineries adventure with us! It’s been 6 years since my wine-loving hubby…

Remnant Dance Winery Psalms 1st Performance

Wine, Dance, Music & Visual Arts – Don’t Miss Winery Psalms!

On Wednesday night I popped into Pinelli Wines & Fillaudeau’s to catch a glimpse of ‘Winery Psalms’ – a production by Remnant Dance company that takes you on a journey of wine tasting matched with the arts. I got a taste at the final dress run in preparation for the opening night tonight (Friday 15th).


Vino on the Verandah Wine Dinner – The Boulevard Hotel

Disclosure: I was invited along to the The Boulevard Hotel for this wine dinner. All opinions are my own honest wine-slurred words. Oh Tuscany, my dear beloved Tuscany. It’s everything and more than you imagine. Mr.Spittoon and I backpacked through Italy in 2011 and despite getting lost numerous times in the famous wine region it will forever…