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  1. I’m in a similar boat Marie, I have an awesome Georg Jensen champagne stopper that I simply can’t live without!

  2. Very interesting piece, thanks.Having tried numerous way to keep the fizz in champagne, I have found the only way to keep the bubbles for longer is to use a strong bottle stopper. I recently bought an Avina Champagne stopper which was excellent and to date has worked better than any other method. Now I don’t feel like I’m wasting good money if I don’t finish the bottle.

  3. I keep a couple of half bottle and even a smaller one around. Any leftover wine go into a smaller bottle which hopefully is almost filled. This reduces the amount of oxygen available when compared to a half full 750mL bottle. I use an old cork stopper from a whisky bottle. I find young Pinot Noir (5-7 days) will last longer than a Shiraz or Cab Sav. (2-3 days) .

  4. Haha I know many people the same KT. I guess if it tastes okay to them, then life’s good 🙂

  5. My mum used to keep the same bottle of sherry in the cupboard to serve to my gran at Christmas from one year to the next. Sounds like it was lucky she wasn’t poisoned… (although a quick google confirms that lots of people do this and can’t taste any difference!)

  6. A wine tree!! Now wouldn’t that be lovely! Thanks for stopping by Louise 🙂

  7. You’ll have to demonstrate saberage on your tours!

    We often have 5 or 6 bottles on the go at any one time. I like to taste over a few days and see how it changes. I like to think on the second day that it is a bit more like how the wine will be when it is a few years older.

    Plenty of stale wine is used to water our garden. I’m still waiting for that “wine tree” to grow though!

    Thanks for linking up through #WINENOT Linky Party this week!

  8. Bugger sounds like you just need to down everything the first day then Nicole 😉

  9. Thanks for popping by Cybele and I love you post!! May have to add a link in above to your recipe 🙂

  10. Awesome! We’ve been making vinegar with our leftover wine and end up with the best darn vinegar ever, because I suspect the wine we use is a tad better than the stuff they usually make vinegar with x

  11. I am really very sensitive to tasting any oxidation in wines and struggle even on day 2 with aromatic whites. I wish I could afford a nitrogen canister for my kitchen:)
    Thank you for linking up with #winenot 🙂

  12. Absolutely, I’ve got 2 bottles of champers in the fridge, maybe I’ll do a spoon test with one of them and none with the other and then drink them both.

  13. I used to work as a Flight Attendant and we were told to put an upside down spoon into the champers bottle after it’s been opened to keep it fresh or whatever, Have you come across that before?

  14. Thanks Haley!! It sounds like you have your leftover over wine plans sussed, good work!! Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s post, I think you’ll be able to relate to it 🙂

  15. Great post!! I use my leftover wine for roasts, white for my chicken/pork and red for lamb/beef, then whatever else I can put it in

  16. The Champagne stoppers are great!!! I think I have about 5 lying around the place 🙂