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  1. Hi Lim, it was on the weekend – I am pretty sure they only have the live music on weekends but perhaps check with the winery directly. Enjoy 🙂

  2. We weren’t charged or given a price to start with – I’m not sure if that has anything to do with us dining at the cafe prior. However the service was really good, the gal who took us through the wines was friendly and knowledgeable – to be honest I was more expecting what you described so perhaps they have upped their game since you were there last 🙂

  3. Are tastings free now? Last time we went it was $3 to taste 5 wines or you got 3 tastings for free. I really didn’t like how commercial it was and they didn’t seem very interested in the customer service side, just wanted you to taste and move along. If it’s free and the service has improved we might give it another try as the location is so beautiful.