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  1. That sounds like me at my local bottle shop Kristen – it’s never a quick trip! I’ll definitely have to check this one out if I am ever in the area – thanks for the heads up 🙂

  2. I love my local, Liquor Barons on Angelo Street in South Perth. Chris always have such an amazing range of wines and spirits, especially organic and bio-organic wines. The store is always on point and Chris is a fountain of knowledge and a have-a-chat. I’m always in there for at least 45 minutes.

  3. My favorite is deVine cellars in Noranda the reason it’s my favorite is the great range of WA wine they stock and their excellent knowledge of the wine makers, I never fail to get good advice from them .

  4. Oh yes I have heard RE Store is great Robyn, I must get over there and check it out soon. Cheers for the tip 🙂