Chrismont La Zona 2018 Pinot Grigio
Are Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio different grapes?
No, they are the same grape variety A winemaker chooses to call their Pinot G one or the other based on the style of wine they’re producing. Gris is based on the French Alsace style which is typically richer and riper while Grigio is based on the lighter and crisp & clean Italian style.
I received this bottle of the La Zona 2018 Pinot Grigio by Chrismont of the King Valley in my Chef & the Cellar 2020 Calendar case from Wine Selectors (thank you!).
La Zona Pinot Grigio is January’s wine in the mixed case, and the recipe to match is a delicious Prawn & Scallop Risotto. The recipe is by Amit Kumar, the chef of Chrismont’s restsurant.
Here are our notes on the wine:
Silver lemon shade in the glass. The nose is full of fresh herbs and florals with refreshing citrus and green apple coming through too. In the mouth it’s refined, crisp and fresh with a tasty lime acidity. I could only imagine how well this would go with seafood like the above dish.
This wine was sent to me as a sample, I was under no obligation to post about it.
All opinions are based on my own taste buds. Wine is subjective & always evolving, so make sure you drink what you enjoy!