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  1. That dessert bar and oyster tray look absolutely amazing – I will be sure to check out the Ritz for brunch on my next trip. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  2. Thanks for the comment Andrew! We are definitely lucky to have Asia at our fingertips here, however I would LOVE to be able to pop over to Spain for a weekend 🙂

  3. This is great! It’s so interesting following your wine, dine, and travel adventures because, from Australia, you have much better access to these parts of the world than we do in the northeastern United States. Sure, we can get to Spanish wine country for a weekend, but Kuala Lumpur is literally a world away. Thanks for sharing!


  4. Hi Casey,

    I am drooling all over by looking at your pictures here and reading the article. It’s a total luxury in one room and I am definitely going to try it when I visit Kuala Lumpur end of this year. Thank you! 🙂
