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  1. One of our best wine tasting experiences. Ken taught us to ‘chew’ our wine and has a profound experience in wine. I’d go there again at the drop of a hat. Such a personable attitude. Definitely not BWS!

  2. That’s interesting to hear Greig. I definitely think if you live near a region and have the ability to pop out to 1 or 2 a day that’s a lot better than doing a ton in one go. At least that way you can make sure you really get to know each winery. Thanks for stopping by the blog 🙂

  3. Interesting hearing your change of pace. It’s very similar to the style we’ve recently adopted to focusing more on dedicating time to a rural area with a specific objective at one or two specific wineries instead of crushing 8 in one day just to try as many as possible. Glad to hear we seem to be on the right track! So interesting hearing about the microwave aspect by the way… I’m going to try this out now and see if it’s legit. Really awesome article Casey!

  4. Clearly my trip next year will need to be extended to be a few months instead of a few weeks! Not familiar with the region but I would love to become so.

  5. It sure was a good day! I’m presuming it was to slightly warm the wines up as I visited in mid winter so room temp was below what you’d serve up reds. I need to get back there and ask them
    more questions I think!

  6. It sounds like a lovely way to spend a day! I love a good wine and food trail, since these two things can really enhance one another.

    That’s so interesting about the microwave. I’ve never heard of anyone microwaving wine to warm it up. I’m curious why they’re even chilling reds?

  7. Yes you definitely do! I’m loving the quirk and high quality wines around the region. I’ll definitely be asking them a bit more about their microwave method next time I visit for further details ?

  8. Thanks for popping by the blog Robin! Yes they popped it in the microwave in a seperate container before putting it in our glasses. Very intriguing! Let me know how your tests go ?

  9. What a lovely way to spend an otherwise gloomy day! I LOVE the onion sack! And this thing about microwaving the wine is new to me and fascinating! It wouldn’t just heat the wine, it get’s those molecules moving! I will be doing taste tests. I take it they microwaved in a separate container, then poured in your glass?

  10. We need to get to this region! We’ve never heard of this winery but love small artisanal boutique wineries. And, like you, have also never heard of microwaving wine…despite WS not sure we’d want to risk it!